As a part of IEEE 802.11, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) has been specified as one of the security protocols and a part of the algorithm to provide the customers with as much data confidentiality as the wired technology, devices, and ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
What is Remote Access Service (RAS)
Remote Access Service (RAS): Not many of the services require the coming together of software and hardware but when they are combined, it is for some special services and features. Remote Access Service is one of them. It is a ...
Difference Between Firewall and Intrusion Detection System
As useful as it may be, the internet is a dangerous place. It came into the existence in 1983 and since then it has been growing and advancing at a surprisingly high speed. Its’ growth and development have made our ...
Best Free VPN for Internet Security and Unblocking
A good VPN service allows you to surf any website in the world quickly and with high-quality encryption. The best VPN is iTop VPN. It provides the most comfortable VPN service that can mask your IP address and grant you ...
DNS (Domain Name System) Spoofing Attack
DNS (Domain Name System) Spoofing Attack: Whenever you visit a website, you are not actually directed but redirected to it. For the convenience of general public domain names are the simplified names and easy to understand translations of their complex ...
What is Network Security
Specialized networks that are built to protect your network’s usability are known as network security. The protection provided by the network security system is extended to your data too. Usually, your network security system protects the integrity of your network ...
SYN Flood Attack in Network Security
SYN Flood Attack: Short for Synchronize Flood Attack, an SYN is a type of DoS attack. Basically, the SYN is used to establish communication between two devices over the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). As the name itself ...
How to Minimize Direct Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Impact
Denial of Service Attack and Distributed Denial of Service Attack (abbreviated form; DoS for former and DDoS for latter) are almost the same things. Sometimes a DDoS attack is put into the records as a subcategory of a DoS attack ...
SQL Injection Attacks in Cyber Security
SQL Injection Attacks in Cyber Security: SQL Injection Attacks in Cyber Security: Structured Query Language (SQL) is the domain language which is used in handling structured data and managing database for building customized. When targeted in a cyberattack, it is ...
Sniffer Attack in Cyber Security
Sniffer Attack in Cyber Security: A sniffer software is one of the non Malicious Software that is put to malicious use. Not only software, but it also comes in the form of a hardware device. Inherently, it is used for ...