Everything You Should Know Before You Submit a Guest Post
Guest blogging is a technique that can help a writer’s credibility and visibility. Even if your article is excellent, you may find it difficult to acquire a large audience when you first start a blog. You may reach a lot more people by supplying certain content for other sites to publish, and they will come back to your site and become viewers.
Because it’s difficult to have a regular supply of new content, many websites allow guest blogging pieces. Even though the content is free, most websites will have guest blogging guidelines. Prospective guest bloggers should familiarize themselves with a site’s official guidelines as well as their unwritten blogging requirements.
It’s difficult to write everlasting content or other types of articles that are effective and applicable for an affiliated company. It does, however, provide numerous advantages to guest bloggers. Firms achieve high traffic, new leads and consumers, domain authority, user engagement, and strong connections with other firms in the industry by sharing their ideas. Furthermore, it allows businesses to achieve consistent growth and gain client trust.
Both the writer and the site that hosts their work benefit from guest blogging. Guest blogging increases a brand’s visibility to various target audiences and draws people who are interested in a specific issue. Seeing as you know why you should pay pros to write high-quality blog posts, let’s move on to the benefits of using this effective strategy.
A prevalent fallacy is that guest posting is merely a link-building strategy that is quickly becoming outmoded. Although this is a link-building method, guest posting has a lot much more offer, and it’s not going away anytime soon.
Who Is My Target Audience?
After you’ve established your objectives, the next thing to keep in mind is who your target audience is. You shouldn’t guest blog on just any blog, particularly if their audience isn’t representative of what you’d like to see on your site. You must have already a target audience in mind for your weblog, so you aim to discover a site with statistics that are comparable to what you’re looking for.
Since guest blogging is considering something more than backlinks, it’s crucial to assess your target audience. Backlinks can be obtained in a variety of ways, including product evaluations and comments. It’s all about making a relationship with a new audience when you guest blog. Understanding your target audience is the best method to make that connection.
How to Submit Guest Post to Websites
You can join a suitable network for good leads depending on the nature of the service you offer. If you operate in online marketing, for instance, you should start a group on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Slack. You can discover web pages that accept content from other businesses this way. You should not only enter such a community but also actively participate in it.
Now that you know where to look for guest writing openings, use this advice to get started writing guest pieces and submitting them to reputable and appropriate websites. It’s best to be familiar with different procedures before you begin guest blogging. Here are a few things to know before submitting a guest post.
- Seek out opportunities to blog as a guest: Give heed to the blogs that run in your field, as we’ve previously said in the previous section when looking for opportunities to guest post. The websites you find must be in the same category as yours, have a readership intrigued in your business, and have a high degree of involvement. Search for possible clients using Google, popular guest bloggers, social media, competition backlinks, or guest blogging groups. One example of such a community is Snabay Networking and Network Classes.
- Learn about the content on the websites you want to target: You should familiarize yourself with the content of your chosen blog before producing any guest posts. Look into who they write for and what kind of stuff they post. Before you write for them, you ought to be informed of all of these things.
- Examine the blogs’ blog content: Analyse and compare guest contributions from other contributors to those written by the owner. Check to see if they were able to replicate the owner’s blog articles. Look at the number of reviews and shares on each articles. It’s best to avoid such blogs if the readership doesn’t show a high level of interaction. They will not allow you to gain authority or increase traffic to your website.
- Find out what kinds of writers these websites require. Take a peek at the biographies of some of the professionals who have been invited to contribute to the blog. It will allow you to determine whether they work with freelancers, writers, or entrepreneurs.
- Examine their policies. Before contacting a blog owner, look over their guest posting policies and attempt to stick to them when writing a guest post. Be mindful of the types of postings they’d like to see, as well as the format and other important elements. It’s critical to avoid any issues throughout your collaboration and write a fantastic post. Publish an article and pitch a brilliant idea for your post. After reading the criteria, you’ll know exactly what different blog demands.
- Come up with pitchable ideas. You should write a similar post based on the quality of the articles on this website. Read through recent guest articles to see what you can do to make your article more interesting.
- Make a bio for your visitor. Since it includes self-promotion links, this section is the most crucial for business. To build trust, do your utmost to portray yourself as an authority. You should add a link to your website, details about your experience and history, or a link to your social media account.
- Keep an eye on and analyze the quality of your post. Finally, you must take account of your guest post’s performance. If you want to increase the number of visitors to your website, use Google Analytics to track the outcomes. You’ll be able to determine the effectiveness of your content this way.
The benefit of Submitting Guest Post to Host Site
It’s mostly about coming up with new and entertaining stuff. That’s why, particularly if you want to post on a more respectable platform, your guest posts must be excellent. Guest blogs are effectively free content from the standpoint of the host, and who doesn’t want free stuff? Of course, the more well-known the blog, the more selective it can be.
Supporting other people’s web pages is a way for small to medium writers to support each other out. It seems logical to extend the same respect to others if you’re commenting on other websites. It’s a definite plus, and you’ll both gain from working together.
5 Things to Consider Before You Submit a Guest Post
1. Consider why Editors need a guest post from you.
As I previously indicated, your guest blogging outreach must be a win-win situation for all parties involved. The purpose of a publication editor is not to enhance your readership or make you appear intelligent. That is your responsibility. The objective of an editor is to grow her publication and offer new, expert ideas to her readers.
Indeed, it is for these new ideas that editors accept guest pieces. More editors than any other factor highlighted a contributor’s unique insight and skill as a justification for approving guest writing. Take that into consideration while you’re brainstorming blog articles.
It’s worth mentioning that staying updated is just as essential as being unique. Inconsequential content was recognized by 56% of editors in a study as one of the most main complaints with guest articles they get.
Submitting a guest post with unrelated content is not a good idea. So, before you start writing anything, go through the articles that have already been published on the guest blogging websites that intrigue you. Determine which areas the editor enjoys and which tend to generate the most interest, and then adjust your work appropriately.
I’m not suggesting you repeat what others have said on the web, but ensuring your post is appropriate is critical. Note that you plan to submit a guest post that will be accepted by an editor. This probably will not happen until you submit content that is both original and useful.
2. Select the appropriate content format.
Everybody and their family have a preferred podcast, and streaming video is all over social feeds. Viewers consume content in a variety of formats. These formats are also being noticed by editors
To create high-quality content, you don’t need to be a fantastic videographer or have the ideal podcast voice.
Writing is still one of the most successful and highly accessible types of content you can utilize, and it is the predominant format for guest post entries. But don’t exclude the possibility of providing guest content differently.
3. Avoid the most common guest posting blunder.
It’s perfectly normal to want to write about yourself. Everyone does it. In reality, we people spend an average of 60% of our talks speaking about ourselves — and that figure rises to 80% when we’re online. The truth is, while your life narrative and all the wonderful things your firm is doing may be fascinating to you, they may not be to editors or the viewers.
Excessively content marketing is the most common issue that editors detect in guest post submissions, according to 79% of editors. Most websites already have advertisements; they don’t require your provided content to serve as an advertisement as well.
Guest contributions are desired by editors because they provide unique, professional perspectives. They want to contribute meaningfully to their viewers, not to your business. When preparing to publish guest content, don’t emphasize it about yourself; instead, focus on the readership of the website.
4. Be careful of what you submit to your editors.
Nothing irritates an editor more than reading muddled, unorganized content. Instead of contacting your editor to fix up bad writing, send a carefully edited guest article. This may seem obvious, but I’m sure every publishing editor has gotten at least one proposal with enough typos and other errors to make them scowl.
Either you have an editor on board or employ a freelancer to proofread your piece, this process can save you (and the editor with whom you’re collaborating) a lot of time. Proofreading content, according to 71% of editors, might cause a delay in publishing, therefore if you want your article to be approved and posted relatively soon, preview it before you send it. upload a blog article that has been revised
5. Make a pitch email that is just as good as your article.
When you’ve developed your article and it’s ready to pitch, the last process is to send it to the editor. How beneficial is it to add a piece of valuable information to an email with a boring subject or body, no editor will give you a chance.
Editors are extremely busy people: 76 percent of editors publish between one and twenty guest posts each week, and 94 percent intend to grow or sustain the volume of guest content they publish. That’s a lot of possibilities, but it also implies that there may be some struggle for consideration.
If you want to write a guest post that an editor would appreciate, you must stand out from the crowd with a unique pitch. The work you’ve put into the article should be reflected in your pitch email to an editor: It should be well-organized, well-written, and interesting. Use an informative subject line, begin with a friendly greeting, offer a relevant overview, and, most essential, regard for the editor’s schedule. When editors realize that you’ve put thought into your pitch email, they’re more inclined to view the content you’ve worked so hard to create.
The opportunity attached to Guest blogging can help you grow your viewership, but when it comes to writing and presenting your content, the viewers that you and the editor share should be your primary priority. Keep in mind that guest postings should be a win-win situation for both you and the publisher. You won’t have your post published if it doesn’t provide value to the target publication. Allow the publisher to improve his or her audience, and your pitch will be a pleasure.