In this article, you are going to learn about the application of computer graphics so keep reading this article till the end you are going to learn much more things. Let us divide the word Computer Graphics and understand the concept in detail:
Computer+ Graphics: It is a system with which We can perform many operations using programming languages and also uses many applications using computers.
Graphs+ pics= Mathematical figures are graphs like circles, ellipses, lines, triangles and rectangles etc and pics are images which we basically know
Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines , whatever it may be like charts etc., on computer screen by using some programming language and software for representing the data in a better way. The activities that involve in compute graphics are creations, computations and manipulations of data.
In 1963, Ivan Sutherland developed a sketch pad, by using this we can draw images on the screen using a light pen and later he developed a “virtual reality equipment” and also flight simulator design. He created the pen which performs different types of pictures.
USA Army had some problem for training new students, they needed expert and device which trains them, by having an expert they had to spend so much of money and they needed a device to train the students and a student developed flight simulation system, without any expert help, soldiers used to get trained using that system.
Things that come under Computer Graphics
- Representation
- Manipulation
- Storage
Alright, at the end of this, we are discussing the application of computer graphics. Representation means showing the data or viewing the data or displaying the data Manipulation is editing the changes, Storage represents how the data is stored in the system.
In computer graphics, objects are presented as a collection of “discrete pictured elements”( called pixels), pixels are the smallest screen elements. So the graphics should be generated by controlling these pixels. Users can edit the graphic object with the help of a keyboard, mouse or touch-sensitive panel
on the screen. Graphic devices are nothing but a combination of input devices and display devices.
Advantages of using these computer graphics:
- High-quality graphics displays on a personal computer
- Provides tools which are used to produce the picture.
- Produce animations and produce 1-D,2-D, and 3-D images
- Using motion dynamics tools, users can make objects stationary and the viewer move around them
- Using updated dynamic tools, it is possible to change the shape, colour, or other properties of the object.
Types of Computer Graphics:
There are two types:
- Interactive Computer Graphics
- Non-interactive computer graphics
Non-interactive means passive compute graphics, in which the user does not have any kind of control over the imaging system. The image is totally under the control of program instruction not under the user. It will only be one-way communication
Example: screen saver, TV Screen so we just set the time to save the screen and the user is not doing anything to change what is getting saved in the screen. It displays what is saved.
Interactive graphics involves two-way communication between the computer and the user. User control contains structures and the appearance of the object and displays the object. As the user is interacting the computer is able to display the images or data on the screen. The computer which is receiving the signal from the input device is able to display the image. We provide input devices for the user.
Basic components of Interactive Graphics System:
- Input- mouse, tablet.
- Processing for storage
- The display is nothing but the output like screen, video recorders etc
The user has to interact with the basic components like input and processor and display.
Conceptual framework of Interactive graphics:
Let us take any application database, and application program and graphic library and graphics system or GPU and computer system, Application database and application program and graphics library come under software part and GPU, computer system comes under the hardware part.
The application database and the application program and the graphic library is connected with the hardware system. The graphic library is between display unit and application program so application program maps all applications objects to images by invoking the graphics.
So, this is the conceptual framework for interactive computer graphics.
Display devices:
Display devices are also knows as output devices, so the most commonly used output device in computer graphics is a video monitor.
Types of display devices are:
- Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)
- Direct view storage tube(DVST)
- Flat panel Displays
Cathode Ray Tube: There are two techniques in this, one is Random Scan displays and second is Raster scan display. CRT has connector pins, base and electron gun, focusing system, horizontal deflection plates and vertical deflection plates. And electron bean and monitor screen which is made of the phosphor-coated stream.
And its working consists: electric current is passed through pins and heating filament which is present in the electric gun, it gets heated because of that the cathode plate will produce electron which is of high speed, the controller will control electron’s speed, and focusing system help in moving the electron beam in a straight way, horizontal and vertical deflection plates will help the electron beam to move in which direction and to which location, electron beam strikes on phosphor stream and then displays it. Sometimes, its intensity will reduce.
A CRT is a vacuum tube which is specialized in which images are produced when an electric beam strikes on a phosphorescent surface.
CRT technology is used in traditional computer monitors or televisions.
Applications of Computer Graphics:
- Computer-Aided Surface: In almost all the areas of engineering, design has primary importance:
Mechanical engineer use computers to design nuts, bolts, gears and cars etc.
Civil Engineer use computer graphics to design plans for buildings, bridges, roads etc.
Electronics Engineers use Computer Graphics to design circuits using CGs
Electrical engineers design the arrangement of wiring, electrical outlet systems using CGs.
So Computer Aided design provides the designer a multi-view environment in which user can view graphical objects in different views like top view, side view, front view, and back view and the software which we use for CAD is Auto CAD, Turbo CAD.
- Presentation Graphs: Presentation graphs are used to summarize financial, statistical, scientific or economic data
Example: line graph, pie chart etc.
and PowerPoint software is used for this to draw line graphs, pie charts etc.
Similarly, AMNautical Vector Chart may navigate with an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS).
- Entertainment: Computer Graphics is used in entertainment to produce motion pictures like movies, music and videos of television shows.
The animation technique is used to display a sequence of frames/pictures to create moving pictures.
The software used for this is Maya and Flash.
- Education and Training: Computer-generated models are used in educational organizations to understand the operations of a computer system.
Specialized systems such as simulators are designed to train ship captains, aircraft pilots etc.
- Visualization: Scientists, engineers and medical people, business analysts deal with large amount of information to study the behaviour of a certain set of information.
Scanning a large set of data is a very difficult process. So we convert the large data into a visualization to study the trends and patterns for example weather forecasting etc.
Also Read:
These are the applications of Computer Graphics. I hope, you have read and understood the application of computer graphics.
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