Diffraction Has What Affect On A Wireless Signal’s Propagation? is it bothering you? well. Let’s discuss.
A wireless signal can transmit directly from a straight line from the sender side to the receiver side. And this type of propagation uses only the least amount of energy and results in the reaction of the clear possible signal. But many factors affect the signal strength.
The best example is the IEEE 802.11. In IEEE 802.11, the theoretical throughput is 54 Mbps but the effective throughput is only half or one-third of it. There are different factors in the wireless signal. Let us study one of the types of Diffraction. The diffraction occurs only when the electromagnetic waves encounter the obstruction and split into the secondary waves. And now these secondary waves continue to propagate in the direction in which they split. When we see the wireless signals being diffracted, they would appear to be bending around the obstacle. The Objects which has sharp edges will cause diffraction.
The concept of diffraction is easy to understand if we use a stone as an analogy. For Example, the water would move smoothly without any obstacle in between, when we throw a stone in the middle, the stone would split the water into two secondary waves and with many directions.
By splitting the water into secondary waves, a lot of energy is been lost in the obstacle and the water would flow a little bit slower than previous. This wireless propagation can be of three types. Ground wave propagation, skywave propagation, and the light of sight propagation. In the ground wave propagation, it has two sides, the sender and the receiver. The data can be sent through the form of a signal.
In the skywave propagation, the signal reaches through the Ionosphere and get reflects back to the ground. And in the line of sight, the signal can be sent through a line without any obstacle.
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