Access Control List controls the network traffics and issues. They can be created in many ways. Standard Access Control List is better than the Extended Access Control List according to their performances. More secured and easiest way to manage the network is a standard ACL rather than an extended access control list.
Standard ACL is one type of oldest control list among the access control list. Standard ACL can control traffic by managing the data’s belongs to them. Based on the source IP address of datagram packets traffics is controlled in the standard access list. By using the “access-list” IOS command standard access list can be created.
Some of the characteristics of Standard Access Control lists are listed below, they are:
- ACL numbers are used to write the standard ACL. The range of the number used is from 1-99. So any number between 1 and 99 is standard ACL.
- Based on source IP address traffics are filtered. In other words, based on the source address ACL rules are written.
- The source address is the only source ACL contains. So filtering takes place at the destination which is the best place for filtering. So ACL is near to the destination.
- The outbound direction is the important and best place we can apply standard ACL.
- Having all those advantages standard ACL also contains disadvantages too, i.e. it may lose some functionalities like Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) access cannot get managed.
- To identify the devices or the address of the packet we can use the wildcard mask for a standard ACL or for an extended access control list.
By using the access-list command we can create a standard ACL. The syntax is shown below.
access-list [Access_lis t_number] [permit | deny] [IP_address] [wildcard mask (optional)]
access_list_number- the range of ACL numbers from 1-99 or 1300-1999 is used by the standard ACL.
Permit/deny– used to allow or delete the traffic.
IP_address– to filter the traffic IP address is required.
Wildcard mask– here wildcard mask is optional. It is used to specify the entire subnets instead of specifying a single IP address. Another name of the wildcard mask is inverse mask.
The difference is that the Standard ACL must be placed near to the destination while the extended ACL must be placed close to the source network.
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