Network Protocols are collections of formed rules that dominate how to transmit, format and share data by which computer networks can communicate anyway to the differences in their different infrastructures, processors or standards. Both the side computers must follow protocols ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
Unguided Transmission Media | Working, Advantages and Disadvatanges

A wireless medium that doesn’t have any physical path in between is also meant to be an unguided transmission media, where the transmission doesn’t need to be guided. This can also be called wireless transmission media. Generally, the waves get ...
What is SAN Storage Area Network and how it works

Storage Area Network (SAN): In a network, various devices and resources are shared. We have the Servers, which are not directly accessed by the end-user. These Servers provide the computational power, processing and other resources to the end-user terminal which ...
Limitation of Wired Network Connection

Traditional Wired networks connection have been in use for decades now. Wired network evolution has taken years and recently they have developed exponentially. They have been made reliable, fast and secure over the years. To know more about Wired Network ...
Error Correction And Detection In Computer Networks

Let us know what is an error before going into the topic, there may be a circumstance where a sender sends the data to the receiver, then the data may get lost. So an error is a circumstance in which ...
Functional Units Of Computer

Computer: A computer is a system in which Hardware and software components are combined which are integrated together and which will provide many operations and also functionalities to the user. Hardware means physical resources such as processor, memory, devise, monitor, ...
CCNA Security Study Material Download

CCNA Security Study Material If I talk about the security, Security is one of the big concern in the digital technology, as the technology is mordenizing the risk of the theft of the data and information is increasing day by ...
Cables in Networking, Types and Specifications

Different Types of Cables in Networking Before we discuss networking cables, let us know what networking actually is. The network is the interconnection of the different systems and devices. In our daily life, we consist of a bunch of devices ...
What is Computer Network with Examples

To know the definition of the Computer Network. Let us discuss the simple definition of the Computer Network. A computer network is a set of communication elements that are connected by communication links. The definition tells the set of elements ...
Network Interface Card – Types, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages

NIC represents as network interface card or a network interface controller or LAN card. Why do we even use a card in a network? What’s the use of this hardware component to even use in the network. Doesn’t we only ...