Network Address Translation (NAT) is a process of converting a local IP address into global IP addresses and vise-Versa. The address types used in NAT (Network Address Translation) is of four types as classified. These four types of NAT (network ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
How to Configure Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

⦁ Routing Information Protocol (RIP) can connect with all the networking systems. ⦁ RIP is commonly used in round-robin systems to use load balancing between the same metric routes. ⦁ 15 hops are the maximum length of the network system. ...
Auto Summarization in RIP, Setup, Advantages | Step by step Configuration

Auto Summarization in RIP is the main feature to allow Routing Information Protocol (RIP), automatically connected to the network and summarize its routes. In the auto summarized route, the network will use only the default subnet mask-size. The summarization is ...
RIP Metric (Hop Count) and Hop Count Calculation

RIP Metric (Hop Count):- In the network system hop count used as a metric value. Sum of hops that means in the network system called the number of routers is to be connected from the source of the network to ...
Introduction to Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

Before we studying about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), have a look at IGRP. The full expansion of IGRP is Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, and is mainly used in following internets: OSI(Open System Interconnection). TCP/IP internets. This protocol can ...
Router Interface Naming Convention

Cisco routers use different types of interfaces like Serial, Fast Ethernet, Giga Ethernet, and Console and each of them has different features and basic purposes. A single router may not have all of them but can contain more than one, ...
Standard Access Control List (ACL)

Access Control List controls the network traffics and issues. They can be created in many ways. Standard Access Control List is better than the Extended Access Control List according to their performances. More secured and easiest way to manage the ...
How to Configure Solarwinds (TFTP) Server for Backup and Configuration Files

This utility allows the network-administrators to upgrade the IOS images, not only that it can also be used to keep the back-up of the configuration files. So in the case route crashed the IOS can be restored from the server, ...
Connect Switch/Router using Auxiliary Port (Aux Port)

Routers and Switches are the Networking devices that are used to create a wide variety of Networks. To utilize the functionalities they provide, these Networking Devices (Routers and Switches) needs to be configured according to the requirements and situations of ...
What is Wireless Application Protocol

As a part of the family of standards set for wireless communication, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the standard specifically designed for mobile phones to provide mobile phone users with the wireless network. Its’ production was a revolutionary step in ...