In this article, you learn about the Cisco ACS Secure Access Control System Products. In Order to implement AAA solution in a networking environment, we must need Server Infrastructure which should able to host TACACS or Radius Type Services. Under ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
Types of Security Testing- Full Explained

Security Testing is a type of software testing that checks all possible loopholes and weaknesses of the system which might result in a loss of information repute at the hands of the employees or outside of the organization the different ...
Organizational Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines

Organizational Policies and procedures to provide a road map of day to day operations. The organization’s policy and procedures help to understand the organization’s views and the values of specific issues. The importance of policies and procedures, it allows management ...
CCNA Security Certification, Syllabus, Exam

CCNA Security certifications are assumed as recognized Certifications throughout the networking industry since it involves a rigorous test of a candidate’s knowledge and ability to handle various Network scenarios with Cisco technology. If you want to Download CCNA Security Certification ...
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

In this article, I am going to tell you about Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Steps so, keep reading this article till the end. Fire, flood, and other natural disasters could result in a loss of business growth or ...
What is Hacking, Types of Hackers and How Hackers are Classified

What is Hacking Hacking refers to the act of compromising the Security of Target System and gaining unauthorized access to it. It targets Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of the System. Various tools and techniques such as Malware, Worm, Trojan, backdoors, ...
VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Pruning In Networking

This article describes and explains about VLAN Trunking Protocol pruning. Before discussing the topic some of the key terms which are necessary in this section are briefly described for the awareness of the ones who read the article as a ...
Management Plane Protection in Cisco Networking

The management plane or MPP is a category of Network foundation protection (NFP) and the traffic flows from the administrator’s workstation and a Cisco IOS device is being remotely managed (telnet, ssh) failure occurs in the management plane, we lost ...
Router Configuration Files, Startup-Config, Running-Config

We can think about a Cisco Router as a unique reason PC. It has its very own working framework, which is known as the Internetwork Operating System (IOS), just as records and filesystems. So we’ll begin with talk of the ...
Control Plane Protection in Cisco Networking

The management, control, data planes are defined by cisco NFP The control plane protection is one of the methods that administrators can use to protect the CPU of the Cisco IOS device. The control plane protection will maintain the routing ...