You were searching What Part Of A Mac Address Serves As The Extension Identifier Or Device Id? Well. You are at right place. Before that Let us know what the mac address mean? To send information from one user to ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
What Protocol Offers The Capability To Deploy Radius In An Ethernet Network?

You might be wondering What Protocol Offers The Capability To Deploy Radius In An Ethernet Network? well. The Extensible Authentication protocol is used to deploy a radius in an ethernet network. When we try to understand the authentication protocol, there ...
What Is The Primary Security Feature That Can Be Designed

The primary security feature that can be designed is redundancy. The Redundance. Let us learn the hardware and the system redundancies. And the prime objective is to ensure the availability of the information services. Normally there are two types of ...
Packets Are Delivered To A Single Node On A Network When Using What Type Of Ipv6 Address?

Packets are delivered to a single node on a network when using what type of ipv6 address? All the packets are delivered using the Unicast Ipv6 Ip address on a single node of the network. Let us study the IPV6 ...
What Happens To Runt Frames Received By A Cisco Ethernet Switch?

Your question is “What happens to runt frames received by a cisco Ethernet switch?” Let’s discuss. Typically, We forward only fewer frames in order to conserve the bandwidth. Let us learn about the frame forwarding process in the Cisco switch ...
What is Radio Network Controller

The Radio Network Controller is the element that presents in the UMTS radio access controller. Usually, the Radio Network Controller is responsible for controlling Node Bs that we connect to it. Radio Network management works for some of the resource ...
What Are Two Types Of Ipv6 Unicast Addresses?

In this article we are going to discuss the Two Types Of Ipv6 Unicast Addresses so let’s go for it. Normally, in the IPV6 unicast address classification, there are three types. Unicast, Multicast, and anycast. Like the IPV4 classes, the ...
What Is A Role Of The Logical Link Control Sublayer?

What is the role of the logical link control sublayer? Let us discuss the role of the logical link control sublayer. The IEEE 802.3 standard will describe the functions of the Logical link sublayer. In the OSI model, we have ...
What Is A Characteristic Of A Converged Network?

Characteristic Of A Converged Network The Network system always got changing and changing in our evolution Technology. There are many different types of data traffic that can be found in our modern networks. Audio, video data and the multiple services ...
What Is The Function Of The Kernel Of An Operating System?

What is the function of the kernel of an operating system? Everyone may have heard the word computer. Now we will discuss the basic introduction about the operating system, and what does a kernel does in the operating system. It ...