Despite the significant benefits the internet brings, revolutionary technology is strife with disadvantages. With the increased adoption of the web, more data is stored on online platforms. Cyber hijackers consistently employ various ways to whisk this information from your personal ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
What is Server? |Types of Server

In computer networking, the Server is defined as the database or storage which helps many other computer devices to store their data or information in large quantities. Basically, Server is a device that provides the requirement for functioning to clients ...
What is Peer to Peer and Client Server, Benefits, Drawbacks

Firstly, we can talk about Peer to Peer or p2p networks. So, this is an administered application-based architecture that divides tasks or workloads between peers. These are equally private, proportionate application participants. They make a separate portion of their resources, ...
Hybrid Topology Advantages and Disadvantages

As suggested by the name itself, a hybrid topology network is a combination of two different types of topologies. What we need to keep in mind is that two typologies of the same kind cannot be combined together to form ...
Wide Area Network Advantages and Disadvantages

Wide Area Network (WAN) is a collection of various local area networks(LAN) to transmit the data to the large geographical area in the form of voice, video, image, files. A LAN is a small area network that connects the network ...
Limitations of Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Internet Connection Sharing or the ICS is a Microsoft Windows hardware service which can sometimes also be installed using only software. The motive of this service is crystal clear in the name itself, it is designed to set up an ...
What is Desk Area Network and How Does it Work

A Desk Area Network (DAN) is a workstation with multimedia capabilities that uses ATM interconnect (this is shown in the figure below). A workstation is a computer that is specially designed for scientific or technical applications. Workstations provide higher performance ...
Tree Topology Advantages and Disadvantages

Tree topology is a hierarchy or inherited type of topology consisting of various hubs. So, it is meant to be a hierarchy of hubs. Where all nodes are connected one to another or these hubs are connected to all the ...
What is Internet, Intranet and Extranet

What is Internet? The advantage of the internet is that all the employees working in an organization is connected to each other on a common platform other than the social media where they can discuss the important issues and the ...
What is Metropolitan Area Network and how does it work

A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network which connects various computers, resources and users in a geographical spread larger than a Local Area Network (LAN) but has a smaller area than a Wide Area Network (WAN). Thus, several LANs ...