Subnet calculators are extremely useful for network and IT professionals. Subnetting a network means dividing an IP address into smaller pieces. This ensures network security and efficient working. The subnets are usually referred to as the subpartitions of an extensive ...
Snabay Networking Latest Articles
How to Secure Workstations and Servers

Workstations and Servers are a few of the most essential part of a network in computing. While a workstation is simply a computer or laptop specially designed to carry out high functions and applications related to the science and technology ...
Difference Between OSI and TCP IP Model

The OSI model and the TCP/IP are the two most used Communication model in Networking. There are some similarities and dissimilarities between the OSI and TCP/IP. To know More about “Difference between OSI and TCP IP model in Networking” keep ...
How Network Protocol Analyzer (Sniffers) Work

A Network Protocol Analyzer is an analyzing and detection tool used in the network administration designed and programmed to work with other such tools like Antivirus, anti-malware, firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Honeypots instead of replacing them. It enhances ...
What is Auto Summarization in EIGRP | Step by Step Configuration

This section briefly explains auto summarization in EIGRP and how it works. Auto summarization is a feature that is used to summarize the routes of EIGRP to its class full networks automatically. It is a method of summarizing multiple networks ...
Types of cables Used in Networking

A discussion about the Types of cables Used in Networking is an important one, especially if you are planning to take the Cisco exams. You need to really understand the following three types of cables: Straight through cable Crossover cable ...
How to install Solarwinds Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Server

Solar winds Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is used to transfer the files between two nodes, the TFTP server is multi-threaded that enables you to send and receive multiple files simultaneously the is designed very simply and Is very rich ...
Cisco Router Interface Configuration Commands

In order to view all the interfaces available on any Cisco Router Interface or switch use (show ip interfaces brief) command. In order to open the interface configuration mode, enter the following command (interface name _of interface). Once you are ...
Connect to Cisco Switch/Router Using USB Console Cable

In order to configure the Router or Switches, we need to login to the corresponding device. There are various methods of logging into the device depending on various scenarios. Here we would briefly discuss these scenarios and provide a way ...
How to Connect to Router Using Console Auxiliary and Protocols

How to Connect to Router There are various methods by which you will able to access the router. Routers have no input and output devices like mouse, keyboard, and monitor, etc. then how we access the routers. To know more ...